Welcome! We’ve missed your company.
There’s nothing quite like coming together with a trusted friend to have a good natter over a quiet cuppa. It’s all about connecting, sharing, warmth and belonging.
Well, put the kettle on, because it’s time to catch up!
A Quiet Cuppa is brought to you by some of the former editorial team of New Zealand Woman’s Weekly: Former editor Alice O’Connell, deputy editor Kelly Bertrand and food editor Nici Wickes.

Each week, we’ll be sending you a couple of newsletters – made by Kiwis for Kiwis – directly to your email inbox. We’ll catch up with well-known New Zealanders and everyday Kiwis doing extraordinary things, bring you the latest royal updates, delicious recipes, tips and advice from experts on gardening, health and travel – plus some fun trivia and puzzles.
For the next few weeks A Quiet Cuppa - all of the stories, recipes, travel tips and more, will be delivered to you, via email, for free! We’d love your feedback – we want to hear what bits you’re enjoying most, and what times of the week you most like to hear from us – it’s a two way conversation of course! Then, if you’ve loved joining us for A Quiet Cuppa (and we really think you will!) you can choose to pay a small fee for a monthly subscription to keep receiving it every week, from us directly to you. Or, if paying for it doesn’t sound like you, you can always continue receiving only the free parts. We’ll be here to help you navigate this new way of doing things, so fear not!
Meantime, sign up and get reading for free! It’s easy, just enter your email and sign up below so you don’t miss our first edition of A Quiet Cuppa.
We look forward to talking soon!
Alice, Kelly & Nici.

Have really missed the NZWW . I have been getting it for about 50 years.....Look forward to reading it..Thankyou
Love the fries !!!